Debatemne: Thai-Dk Din debat side :: VISA changes in Thailand

Oprettet af alan d. 29-05-2024 16:30

Thailand targets tourism boost with longer stays for visitors, students, 'digital nomads'

BANGKOK, May 28 (Reuters) - Thailand's government said on Tuesday it had approved longer visa stay periods for tourists, postgraduate students and remote workers, and better visa conditions for retirees, in a move to boost its crucial tourism sector as its economy stutters.

Starting in June, Thailand will allow travelers from 93 countries to stay for periods of 60 days, up from the current 57 nations, while more will also be eligible for visas on arrival, government spokesperson Chai Wacharonke told reporters.

read morehttps://www.reute...024-05-28/

New visa promotions

The Foreign Ministry said the number of countries eligible for visa-free entry would increase from 57 to 93. The 36 new countries included Cambodia, China, India, Jamaica, Kazakhstan, Laos, Mexico, Morocco and Uzbekistan.

Visitors' stays under this scheme were also extended to 60 days, the government spokesman said.

read more https://www.bangk...ce-reduced

Redigeret af ADM d. 16-07-2024 06:13

Oprettet af alan d. 29-05-2024 16:33

Shocking VISA changes in Thailand LAST NIGHT

Sweeping TOURIST and RETIREE VISA laws have been announced in Thailand overnight! Watch the video for a brief summary....

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Oprettet af alan d. 30-05-2024 10:35

Oprettet af nej d. 13-07-2024 14:13

Visa fri ophold i 60 dage

Ser ud til at det nu er officielt fra den 15. juli 2024. 140927.jpg


Redigeret af nej d. 13-07-2024 14:14

Oprettet af nej d. 13-07-2024 14:16

Thailand will allow citizens of more countries to enter the kingdom via visa exemptions starting Monday, the Interior Ministry said on Friday.

Interior Minister Anutin Charnvirakul signed four documents to ease travel for foreigners, all of which will take effect on Monday.

The directives include a new list of countries eligible for visa-free entry into Thailand, increasing from 57 to 93. Visitors from these countries will be able to stay for no more than 60 days.

Thailand will also nearly double the number of countries eligible for visas on arrival, from 19 to 31. In addition, the country will introduce the Destination Thailand Visa service, targeting digital nomads, freelancers and visitors looking to perform or learn skills such as cooking and Muay Thai.

Oprettet af IT d. 14-07-2024 16:19

Thai PM Srettha to approve 60-day visa-free entry for 93 countries

Prime Minister Srettha Thavisin said he would sign his name to approve the government's visa-free scheme for visitors to Thailand from 93 countries on Monday.

The prime minister said on Sunday that visitors under the scheme could stay in the country for up to 60 days and he hoped the scheme would be implemented without any problem.

The Interior Ministry proposed the expansion of the visa-free scheme for the prime minister’s endorsement.

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Oprettet af IT d. 15-07-2024 16:20

The new visa rules for #Thailand literally started this afternoon with the first people reporting that they are getting a 60-day visa exemption stamp at the airport. This new rule is available for 93 countries. After 60 days, you can then extend it for another 30 days meaning you can stay in Thailand for up to three months now.

se selv her https://www.thaie...

»Klik her for stor Foto 160528.jpg

Redigeret af IT d. 15-07-2024 16:40

Oprettet af alenejensen d. 16-07-2024 06:17

ja så kom der 60 dage Visa-fri ophold i TH :TUP

Thailand indfører 60-dages visumfritagelse for Danmark
Den thailandske premierminister Srettha Thavisin har sammen med indenrigsminister Anutin Charnvirakul underskrevet det papir der gør at turister fra blandt andet Danmark, Norge, Sverige, Finland og Island kan indrejse visumfrit i Thailand i 60 dage. Tidligere kunne danske turister kun indrejse visumfrit i 30 dage.

Thailand har valgt at øge visumfritagelsen efter COVID-19 pandemien som påvirkede den thailandske økonomi og turistsektoren. Håbet er at tiltrække udenlandske turister og fremme at udenlandske forretningsfolk kan komme til Thailand.

De nye regler med 60-dages visumfritagelse for danskere er trådt i kraft , mandag den 15. juli 2024.

Thailand er dermed visumfrit for turistophold op til 60 dages varighed. og kan ansøge om at forlænge deres ophold i op til 30 dage mere. .

Kilde https://www.bangk...-countries

Redigeret af alenejensen d. 17-07-2024 17:05