Oprettet af deepseadivers d. 02-01-2013 14:05
A view of approximately 18 thousand shark fins left out to dry on top of a roof top of an industrial building in Hong Kong's Kennedy Town district, Hong Kong, China, 02 January 2013. Reports state that shark fin traders have taken to drying freshly sliced fins from sharks on roof tops in the city, since a public outcry in 2010 over them drying the fins on public sidewalks fored them to move the trade out of sight. Photo: PAUL HILTON
Update, A view of approximately 30 thousand shark fins left out to dry on top of a roof top of an industrial building in Hong Kong's Kennedy Town district, Hong Kong, China, 02 January 2013. Reports state that shark fin traders have taken to drying freshly sliced fins from sharks on roof tops in the city, since a public outcry in 2010 over them drying the fins on public sidewalks fored them to move the trade out of sight
Redigeret af ADM d. 03-01-2013 01:44
Oprettet af M55 d. 04-01-2013 09:13
I Hong Kong er et kæmpe lager af hajfinner blevet afsløret på toppen af en fabriksbygning.
Her var de over 10.000 hajfinner gemt væk fra turisterne og ikke mindst dyreaktivist-grupper.
Handel med hajfinner kritiseres af dyrevenner, fordi overfiskning af hajer kan ødelægge havenes dyrebare økosystemer.
Samtidig er det oftest kun finnen, der er interessant, og levende hajer kastes tilbage i havet - uden finner.
I Asien, og især i Hong Kong, anses hajfinner for en udsøgt delikatesse. Her koster et kilo tørret hajfinne typisk tusindvis af dollars.