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Manhunt Over Gruesome Murder of 2 Tourists On Popular Island
#41 Udskriv indlæg
Skrevet d. 08-10-2014 16:15
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det er er famne uhyggelig duShock kan det blive værre ja se selv

Wednesday, October 08, 2014

Thai police case against the alleged killers of two British backpackers in Thailand was dealt another devastating blow today after their key witness said he had no knowledge of the murder – even though he too was beaten by Thai police.

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#42 Udskriv indlæg
Skrevet d. 09-10-2014 08:28
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Khunying Porntip Rojanasunan

hun ved hvad hun udtaler sig om, hun er ærlig og ubestikkelig

Porntip rips Koh Tao investigation

Thailand’s most-respected forensics specialist cast doubts on the police investigation into the death of two British backpackers on Koh Tao Thursday, saying investigators erred when they neglected involve a forensic pathologist.

Khunying Porntip Rojanasunan, director-general of the Central Institute of Forensic Science, told the Manager news agency that police did not understand the investigation in the bludgeoning death of Hannah Witheridge and David Miller required a medical examiner.

"The weak point (in the investigation) is that police do not understand that the case requires a forensic pathologist, so the officers who collected evidence did not call in one from Surat Thani Hospital," she said. "A case of two murdered people certainly needs a forensic physician," Khunying Porntip said.

Khunying Porntip's criticism is only the latest blast against the three-week probe into the deaths of the two British tourists Sept 15. A series of bungles - which included allowing tourists to re-enter the crime scene before all evidence was collected - followed by the arrest last week of two Myanmar nationals have led to widespread criticism and accusations the two 21-year-old migrant workers were made scapegoats for the crime.

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#43 Udskriv indlæg
Skrevet d. 10-10-2014 10:39
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Thailand beach death: Parents convinced son murdered – and his killing covered up to protect tourism


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#44 Udskriv indlæg
Skrevet d. 11-10-2014 03:49
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Præsident går ind i sag om mordmistænkte burmesere

Myanmars præsident, Thein Sein, er nu gået ind i sagen om sine to landsmænd, der er anholdt i en sag om et dobbeltmord på to britiske rygsækrejsende i Thailand.

Det skete, da Thailands premierminister, Prayuth Chan-ocha, fredag var på besøg hos nabolandet mod nordvest, siger en burmesisk embedsmand, ifølge den engelske avis The Guardian.

"Hvis de er skyldige, skal de naturligvis dømmes for deres forbrydelser, men det er vigtigt, at det sker efter en retfærdig rettergang," siger en han til nyhedsbureauet AFP.

De diplomatiske bemærkninger fra den burmesiske præsident kommer dagen efter, at de mordanklagede unge mænd trak deres tilståelser i sagen tilbage. Det meddelte den advokat fra den burmesiske ambassade i Thailand, som bistår de 21-årige, torsdag.

LÆS OGSÅ Burmesere efter mordtilståelse: Vi blev torturerethttp://jyllands-p...Id=7090404

Ifølge den burmesiske embedsmand lovede den thailandske premierminister, at han personligt ville holde øje med, at rettergangen ville blive retfærdig.

De to anholdte har gennem deres burmesiske advokat forklaret, at de blev tortureret af thailandsk politi, indtil de tilstod mordene på 23-årige Hannah Witheridge og 24-årige David Miller, der blev fundet ved vandkanten på den populære ferieø Koh Tao i midten af september måned.

Flere menneskerettighedsgrupper har protesteret over den måde, som politiet i Thailand har håndteret sagen på og har anklaget myndighederne for at bruge de unge burmesere som syndebukke for ikke at skade den vigtige, thailandske turistindustri.

Kritikken mod politiet er hidtil primært kommet fra udenlandske menneskerettighedsgrupper, men torsdag begyndte kritikken også at lyde fra en vægtig thailandsk stemme.

Lederen af Retsmedicinsk Institut i Thailand, Khunying Porntip Rojanasunan, undrede sig således, ifølge The Guardian, offentligt over, hvorfor der ikke blev tilkaldt retsmedicinske eksperter til gerningsstedet, da politiet gennemsøgte det for spor, der kunne føre til opklaringen af dobbeltmordet.

LÆS OGSÅ Burmesere tilstår turistdrab i Thailandhttp://jyllands-p...Id=7076225

Politiet har tidligere sagt, at man har fundet beviser, der knytter de to mænd til mordene. Blandt andet skulle mændenes dna være fundet på to cigaretskodder ved gerningsstedet samt på den dræbte kvinde, hvis mobiltelefon skulle være fundet i de to mænds lejlighed.

De mistænktes dna manglede dog både på det formodede mordvåben samt på et brugt kondom, der blev fundet ikke langt fra gerningsstedet.

Og noget kunne tyde på, at beviserne mod de to ikke er overvældende. I hvert fald skrev den thailandske avis The Nation torsdag, at den offentlige anklager har sendt sagen tilbage til politiet og bedt om flere afgørende beviser i sagen.

Men på trods af, at tingene ikke lader til at gå politiets vej, så tager den lokale politichef, der har ansvaret for blandt andet Koh Tao, sagens udvikling med ophøjet ro.

"De mistænkte har ret til at trække deres tilståelser tilbage. Det er ikke unormalt, at det sker i løbet af en sag," siger Prachum Ruengthong til avisen Khaosod.

Ligesom op til fire millioner af deres landsmænd, fungerer de to anholdte burmesere som migrantarbejdere i Thailand.
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#45 Udskriv indlæg
Skrevet d. 15-10-2014 10:36
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det ser nu ud til at englænderne får lov til at snage lidt i sagens akter

Thais agree to foreign observers

Thailand has agreed in principle to allow a team of observers from Britain and Myanmar to observe judicial procedures in the Koh Tao murder case, which has sparked a barrage of media criticism in both countries.

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#46 Udskriv indlæg
Skrevet d. 15-10-2014 11:31


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Den sag stinker simpelthen langt væk. Jeg har ikke et sekund været i tvivl om at de to Burmesere er uskyldige, men bliver brugt som syndebukke. Thailand må jo ikke tabe ansigt. Føj for pokker. Lad os blot håbe at de to stakler nu får en retfærdig rettergang når Burma og UK bliver indblandet, og måske HRW (Human Right Watch) og andre internationale humanitære organisationer.

Det thailandske politi er jo er jo ligeglad bare de kan vaske hænderne, og det er jo desværre nok ordre fra højeste instans.
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#47 Udskriv indlæg
Skrevet d. 16-10-2014 16:32
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Thursday, October 16, 2014 9



A leading Thai media mogul went on his own television station in Bangkok last night and said that Thai police were covering up for the island mafia over the murders of Hannah Witheridge and David Miller.

Sondhi Limthongkul boss of Manager magazine and Asia Satellite Television said on the programme ‘Sondhitalk’ that the police were scared of the local mafia and could not touch them and then right from the start they were covering for them.

“The police tried to help the wrong doers, but the island was so small everyone knew from the start.” He said it was wrong and he believed the Burmese suspects Win Zaw Htun and Zaw Lin.

The statement by Sondhi Limthongkul, founder of the People’s Alliance for Democracy, is a significant blow to Thai Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-ocha’s statements that Thai Police hide caught the right people. Those statements and others made by Thailand’s police chief have been widely disbelieved.

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#48 Udskriv indlæg
Skrevet d. 17-10-2014 00:47
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Sondhi starts off with a general talk about the new Government and the job Prayuth is doing. He says as a career soldier Prayuth loves country his and King but like previous Governments he is acting like a bureaucrat when he tries to overly protect the Kingdom's reputation.

He said the new guys in power are like all politicians is being only concerned with their own survival and interests. He says Thailand's international reputation will be 'bankrupt' if the tourist industry and the countries interests are put before justice.

He then says it is clear other countries suspect scapegoats have been arrested. He uses the word พิรุธ or phi-rut to describe this Koh Tao case. This word means suspect, dubious, dodgy etc. He uses this word to describe what everyone is saying about the case.

They get onto Koh Tao and the full moon parties with another guy saying everyone from blind Freddy to Dang the street dog knows these parties are where people go for drugs and sex. Sondhi then says world wide everybody knows this but if you ask the Thai police they just deny it.

He then says if drugs are illegal in Thailand how is this then acceptable? It must be stopped or the parties shut down if the Government is fair dinkum about the rule of law. He then says Prayuth himself should go and ask the people on Phuket and Samui etc about this. The people will tell him if he asks.

The whole talk he is intimating Prayuth is a bit naive about certain things and how the police abuse and profit from these things. (I think he is just watching his manners here, not wanting to be too critical of him)

Drugs? Some mistake surely

They then move to a talk about social media and how the masses just don't accept what has gone on in this case.
He says Scotland Yard should be invited into a joint investigation but Thailand doesn't allow this.

He mentions the embassy was called in London for a 'please explain' and says that is not normal unless there is great concern about the case.
They then get onto the fact social media is accusing the son of a local influential figure but it is not only farangs who suspect him, Thais do as well as shown by what is going on on Facebook etc.

Sondhi then starts to fire up about the Thai police saying he has first hand experience about how crooked they can be, he mentions the Sherry Duncan case claiming the police paid fake witnesses to give bogus evidence.

The other guys chime in with the Saudi diamond case as another example.

He then goes on how this 'top down' system of the police must be reformed and a new way of doing things must be developed. He says he doesn't want to talk too much about this as he will be accused of 'not loving his country.' He then says how the hell can you solve the countries problems if you cannot accept the truth? If you close your eyes and don't accept what is true, how can you fix any problem?

They then say the DSI should be called immediately for a case involving a crime of national importance like this. Just like the FBI investigates federal crimes in America. Then there is a brief conversation about the politics of the police in Thailand and how there have been zero reform so far from the new Government.

They then talk about this and how even if somebody offers suggestions about reform they are ignored and things continue as before. When he taps the table Sondhi says all Thai Governments are only interested in two things, their own survival and looking good. He says wait and see if Prayuth and the rest of them don't do exactly that.

Then follows a long political discussion that leads into them saying Pornthip is enemy of the police but that is actually good as it provides a system of checks and balances. They then say this is important to check the 'chain of evidence' from the so called offender right up to when it's presented in court. The taking of DNA must be clean and protected through it's journey through the system. They agree this just doesn't happen in Thailand.

The police take the DNA sample and send it to the lab but nobody knows what happens in between.

They finish by saying nobody should be scared to let somebody else check the DNA, don't be afraid, just let the truth come out. He says tourism has dropped 19% and Thailand's reputation is tied to tourism. They say it is fellows Asians who are scared to come to Thailand not Europeans.

Sondhi closes by saying crimes against farangs are nothing new but there hasn't been such a serious case as the one in Koh Tao. In the past suspects have been caught but this case has left people totally suspicious.

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#49 Udskriv indlæg
Skrevet d. 17-10-2014 09:25


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Jeg er bange for og personligt ret sikker på at han, desværre, har ret i sine udtalelser, selvom det er yderst skandaløst men nok desværre kendetegnende for det nye Thailand...og hvor er det en skam, også for de mange dejlige Thailændere som dog stadig er tilbage i dette dejlig land. Korruptionen og Mafiaen har desværre taget overhånd, og troværdigheden forsvundet og vil nu være nærmest umulig at udrydde. Så synd, så synd.
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#50 Udskriv indlæg
Skrevet d. 18-10-2014 08:50
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der er håb forude



But Thai police chief not happy

British police have been given the green light to investigate DNA procedures and torture claims surrounding the Thai investigation into the murders of Hannah Witheridge and David Miller.

Diplomatic sources have confirmed that Prime Minister General Prayuth Chan-Ocha has accepted that a British team can now fly out. He was reported to have been pressed by Prime Minister David Cameron during the recent ASEM summit in Milan.

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#51 Udskriv indlæg
Skrevet d. 18-10-2014 17:58
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Nå, det bliver spændende at se om Generalen har været for hurtig til at behage Cameronen, og der måske er et opgør mellem ham (Prajut) og polib på vej?


Fortsættelse følger, med garanti!
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#52 Udskriv indlæg
Skrevet d. 23-10-2014 11:33
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der samles ind til de to

Justice: Koh Tao Murder Case

This fundraiser is set up by the Migrant Worker Rights Network (MWRN), a migrant run organisation with more than 3,000 fee-paying Myanmar migrant members, to assist to cover related costs of the accused's defence and a support team to ensure a fair trial for the accused in the Koh Tao case. Essential costs for the accused in prison shall also be supported.

An expert team of lawyers, both from the Lawyers Council of Thailand and independent lawyers, will work Pro Bono on this case but travel costs to a remote island in the Gulf of Thailand, as well as accommodation, food and island based travel costs are high. Court procedure, documentation issues and related tasks also require funds. Living in a Thai prison costs too, such that the accused need to be provided with essential accessories and food supplements.

All funds raised through this campaign will be deposited from Paypal into a bank account jointly and specifically opened for this case. All payments distributed will be certified as being 'case related costs' by the head of the practicing lawyers team in the case. Public reports of spendings will be duly published. - See more at: http://www.youcar...ase/246839

With the arrival in Thailand of the parents of Win Zaw Htun and Zaw Lin the two 21-year-old Burmese migrant labourers accused of the murders of Hannah Witheridge and Win Zaw Htun a fund has now been set up to pay the for the defence in the coming trial
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#53 Udskriv indlæg
Skrevet d. 24-10-2014 16:31
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Håber det snart er slut med de brune BIB nazi´s og deres gangstermetoder:

"Tun Tun Htike said after the meeting that his son confirmed in tears that he was innocent and that police had tortured him to confess that he and Zaw Lin had killed the two British tourists."

"The interrogators told them to confess to the crime, and threatened to cut off their limbs, put them in a bag and dump them in a river if they did not,'' DVB quoted him as saying. The police also threatened to tie the two boys to a tyre, pour petrol on it, and set it alight," the father said. "My son said they were terrified and confessed. But now that we [their parents and Myanmar officials] are present, they can speak the truth — that they did not commit the murder."

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#54 Udskriv indlæg
Skrevet d. 26-10-2014 02:58
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mon de finder sandheden

British authorities at Koh Tao crime scene
SURAT THANI — British police made a surprise visit to Koh Tao on Saturday to inspect locations related to the murders of two backpackers, a source said.

They arrived on the island by helicopter from Bangkok, accompanied by Jarumporn Suramanee, an adviser to the national police chief, and Suwat Jaengyodsuk, acting deputy commander of the Metropolitan Police Bureau.

The trip was kept secret, with no police officers in Surat Thani province or Provincial Police Region 8 informed. Police based on Koh Tao and neighbouring Koh Phangan were not allowed to join the meeting or take pictures of the visitors

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#55 Udskriv indlæg
Skrevet d. 01-11-2014 17:46
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Så har sønnen af poo yai baan afleveret DNA. Hvorfor nu, og ikke lige efter da han var mest i vælten i pressen og på nettet?


Det stinker langt væk, kan de virkelig være så udspekuleret kyniske at det hele er et fupnummer?

Har man glemt dette:

"The police have arrested a suspect in the murder of two British tourists in Koh Tao and are still hunting for a second suspect who has escaped into Bangkok.
Eighth Region Police Command commissioner Pol Lt-Gen Panya Mamen identified the first suspect as Mon.

He is the brother of a village headman in Koh Tao.

He was arrested after evidence which police collected were examined and proved he was involved, he said.

He also said another suspect is also a son of that village headman. But he has already to Bangkok.

He said both suspects were captured by CCTV cameras and the police have gathered enough evidence to implicate them in the murders.

He said the southern police were coordinating with the metropolitan police to hunt him down, and expected to apprehend him today.

The southern police chief also assured the public that there was no arrest of scapegoats in this murder case as it now is a focal attention of the world.

He also dismissed any suggestion of local mafias or influential people that could twist the investigation with promise that local influence would pose no obstacle to the police investigation.

Instead the police will eliminate all these mafias, he said.

Meanwhile a police source said the police are also looking into the cooperation of those who helped to arrange the suspect to escape. They also will be arrested."


Pol Lt-Gen Panya Mamen blev senere fjernet fra sagen og en ny udpeget af Prayuth overtog.
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#56 Udskriv indlæg
Skrevet d. 02-11-2014 04:49
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det er ikke alle der tror på politiet evner anklage myndighederne på koh samui er utilfredse med politiet arbejde

Prosecutor demand more evidences from the police handling Koh Tao case

Koh Samui public prosecutor has returned the police case file on Koh Tao murder back to the police with a demand for additional interrogation of the Rohinya interpreter employed by the police.

The public prosecutor’s latest move followed complaints from the parents of the two arrested suspects who claimed that the suspects were beaten up by the interpreter to extract their confession to the murder of two British backpackers on Koh Tao in mid-September.

Rohinyas and the people of Rakhine state of Myanmar do not get along well with each other and are hostile toward each other. The two suspects are ethnic Rakines

Earlier the KohSamui twice asked the police handling the murder case for additional evidences about the case. This was the third demand from the prosecutor.

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#57 Udskriv indlæg
Skrevet d. 02-11-2014 12:31


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Den sag er vel efterhånden trukket så langt ud at alle eventuelle beviser er manipulerede eller helt forsvundet. Hvis man udelukkende har fokuseret på de to Burmesere er der vel intet bevismateriale bevaret fra de egentlig skyldige.
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#58 Udskriv indlæg
Skrevet d. 03-11-2014 11:06
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soi8 skrev:
Den sag er vel efterhånden trukket så langt ud at alle eventuelle beviser er manipulerede eller helt forsvundet. Hvis man udelukkende har fokuseret på de to Burmesere er der vel intet bevismateriale bevaret fra de egentlig skyldige.

anklageren har nu afvist sagen tre gange, grundet manglerne beviser i mod de to, han har dog givet politiet en ekstra tidsfrist til at frembringe flere dokumenterede beviser i mod de to, jeg bliver ikke forbavset, hvis sagen i mod de to bliver afvist når der er gået 82 dage som er tidsfristen for at indlede en rets sag
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#59 Udskriv indlæg
Skrevet d. 03-11-2014 11:31


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yindee skrev:
soi8 skrev:
Den sag er vel efterhånden trukket så langt ud at alle eventuelle beviser er manipulerede eller helt forsvundet. Hvis man udelukkende har fokuseret på de to Burmesere er der vel intet bevismateriale bevaret fra de egentlig skyldige.

anklageren har nu afvist sagen tre gange, grundet manglerne beviser i mod de to, han har dog givet politiet en ekstra tidsfrist til at frembringe flere dokumenterede beviser i mod de to, jeg bliver ikke forbavset, hvis sagen i mod de to bliver afvist når der er gået 82 dage som er tidsfristen for at indlede en rets sag

Det gør jeg heller ikke yindee, eller jeg håber den nærmest den gør, da der da vist ikke er meget tvivl om at de to drenge er uskyldige, men der hvor jeg vil hen med min kommentar er jo at så står man uden mistænkte da man (politiet) har satset på at få de to dømt. Personligt tror jeg stadig på at der bliver dækket over den/de virkelig skyldige evt. eller rettere sansynligvis, efter ordre fra mafiaen. Bare underligt for mig at Scotland Yard bare forduftede igen så hurtigt.
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#60 Udskriv indlæg
Skrevet d. 03-11-2014 13:04


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soi8 skrev:
yindee skrev:
soi8 skrev:
Den sag er vel efterhånden trukket så langt ud at alle eventuelle beviser er manipulerede eller helt forsvundet. Hvis man udelukkende har fokuseret på de to Burmesere er der vel intet bevismateriale bevaret fra de egentlig skyldige.

anklageren har nu afvist sagen tre gange, grundet manglerne beviser i mod de to, han har dog givet politiet en ekstra tidsfrist til at frembringe flere dokumenterede beviser i mod de to, jeg bliver ikke forbavset, hvis sagen i mod de to bliver afvist når der er gået 82 dage som er tidsfristen for at indlede en rets sag

Det gør jeg heller ikke yindee, eller jeg håber den nærmest den gør, da der da vist ikke er meget tvivl om at de to drenge er uskyldige, men der hvor jeg vil hen med min kommentar er jo at så står man uden mistænkte da man (politiet) har satset på at få de to dømt. Personligt tror jeg stadig på at der bliver dækket over den/de virkelig skyldige evt. eller rettere sansynligvis, efter ordre fra mafiaen. Bare underligt for mig at Scotland Yard bare forduftede igen så hurtigt.

Jeg er ikke uenig. Om de er skyldige eller uskyldige er der ingen der ved. Men med det politiarbejde der er lagt for dagen saa maa tvivlen komme de anklagede til gode, saa det ender nok med at de bliver frikendt pga manglende beviser. Det engelske politi var her kun for at observere og se gerningsstedet og saa er de dampet afsted igen.
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